Birds Can Fly!

The media file [Christian] is by CallahanFreet.

Christian Freet

Empty Nest Syndrome is a feeling of grief and loneliness parents may feel when their children move out of the family home, such as to live on their own or to attend college. (Yes, I looked it up on Wikipedia.)

What will we do after he graduates? Hmm, let me count all the things….

The media file [Birds Can Fly!] is by CallahanFreet.

There are only a few people I really care enough about to trust; he is one of them. No one is perfect, but he makes reasonable decisions. That they are often different than mine only means I more often should probably question how I think.

Although I’m unsure how it’s possible even now, I would be lying if I said I want to see him less, or to say I want him to leave. We enjoy each other’s company and he’s fun to talk to, even if it’s an occasional low-key lecture.

To tell the truth, though, deep down I do want him to go. Not in the sense of parting, but so he can learn to be his own man and live the way he wants. Maybe anyone grieving this kind of transition should just get a hobby — or some perspective.

Isn’t my anticipation of this change just an extension of the old curiosity I’ve held about who he will become, or really how he will navigate the person we have groomed him to be? I want to see how he turns out, what dynamic I never thought of that he’ll throw into living: I want to learn from him. And we must push him out the door if we intend to grow… with him, of course.