Changes (Again)

The media file [Christian] is by CallahanFreet.

Christian Freet

With the space at the end of the year to think through the way in the past that I’ve conducted myself here and otherwise creatively, I’ve decided some alterations are necessary.

I’ve become to comfortable with the management of this project. Now it is too predictable, given that when I fall behind posting here, I can churn out 8-10 entries all at once.

And it’s bloated with old thinking that doesn’t necessarily reflect our present selves. We all change daily — electrons are forever.

The media file [Changes (Again)] is by CallahanFreet.

Maybe you can't tell, but the sunlight here is from the rising behind the mountains. Yes, a blantant metaphor but who cares, it was pretty as hell.

Perhaps there is no coincidence that I’ve neglected this project so often. For the past 8 years, I also wrote to myself in a journal almost every day. Often I wrote more than 1000 words per sitting, especially when mulling over major issues. Although it inspires a lot of what entered this project, that writing has always been explicitly independent.

It is important to me, so clearly I need to hold myself in better account of attending this project. That’s why I’m working towards combining the two. Somehow. I haven’t come up with a viable method yet, but I will.

More importantly, I decided to archive this project’s work up to 2022. As of today, only two years will be available at any given time.

Every year we strive to review our thinking and our belongings and our relationships to better understand how or if they serve us well, and here I am, mindlessly hoarding old thoughts we rarely review and really have no compulsion to do so. Keeping it all is antithetical to our living methods otherwise.

So, here’s to starting a new calendar with a fresh, blank page. To me that’s the only value of a calendar anyway — as a reminder that it’s time to forget who I was last week.