
The media file [Christian] is by CallahanFreet.

Christian Freet

Recent notes to myself:

Marcus Aurelius once questioned his life goals to better understand himself. How do respond?

I don’t feel like it is appropriate to endeavor upon a functional goal that reaches outside of me. Legacy is the last of my damn concerns. So that leaves internal improvements to be made, since this also aids in the process of living.

To that end, at least today, I consider my approach to this question probably diverges from Aurelius and his motivations, although I don’t really know if it is the case. I’m only judging based on his heritage as a European.

The media file [Alienation] is by CallahanFreet.

Seems like our culture views personality as a useful amusement rather than as I understand it as a crutch. Does my attempt towards minimization push me further outside typical America? I sure hope so.

I take the approach that a self-serving goal improves me, and thus improves my human interactions. And it isn’t like I’m about to say something trite like “I want to make a million dollars.” No, I think right now my main final goal would be to let go of emotional attachments, especially to death. In a sense I believe this approach can be considered a kind of growth in that it demonstrates facing a certain fact threatening to the psyche. Hence, this is definitely a choice to suffer.

So, that leaves more questions related to how I might work towards this goal of detachment, and how that would look. I guess I have more to work on.