Making Waves

The media file [Christian] is by CallahanFreet.

Christian Freet

Sometimes I wonder if the rhythm of these entries is apparent to anyone but me. But it’s more of a subconscious thought process than anything superficial, I rarely consider any of these words are intended for others.

The media file [Making Waves] is by CallahanFreet.

When I endure peroiods away from this weekly project, upon returning I always feel a little guilty about attending to other things. This time is a little different. It seems promising that now these moments speak to me from a different perspective.

Yet, there is definitely a cadence here. When sensed, it confesses how I approach creative work; I’m still uncomfortable with the account.

Evidence is woven into this project because over the years I’ve noted how these entries tend to ebb and flow. I realize my tendency to prioritize other things — despite what I tell myself about this work’s significance.

That’s why this image, and others adjacent to it, are important to me. They simbolize a new effort, a shift in the meaning of how I live.

Maybe to create this particular body of work it was necessary to travel 5000 miles back to Louisiana. Honoring that relationship with my presence is at least a commendable endeavor. But mandatory? That remains to be seen.

The answer to that question is empty to me. I just felt like I had to go, so I did. Whether it was a waste of time and money is irrelevant now.