Unless you live alone in the woods, among only the squirrels, escaping shared time is impossible. I’ll assume you understand given you’ve made it this far into this entry.
Although it isn’t how she refers to considering another potential perspective, I call her a contrarian because Myesha loves to play Devil’s Advocate. She is admirable for thinking past the obvious like I often do. I appreciate her consideration so much that I’ve adopted it in my own ways, especially when we embark upon a new year.
![The media file [Another One] is by CallahanFreet.](/works/52weeks/2024/0127/20240127_hu4162643130985603353.webp)
At what point in my life will I feel comfortable telling close friends that I don't share popular perspectives others often take for granted? And, what does it mean that I still feel awkward among these loved ones.
Resolutions are the worst. They’re basically meaningless because so many people lack discipline — so much so that the term is mostly noawadays only a point of sale.
The way I see it, why wait until the year changes to address a useful issue? Yeah, there is significance to intentional periodic inventories. We can learn a lot from the discontinuity of our awareness. I only struggle with the practice, not the concept of it.
How do I employ gentle reminders of my mistakes? Pain, however negligable, is a potent tool for learning. It can reinforce like almost nothing else. But, to what extent does this philosophy serve me well, and what is its potential?