It isn’t clear to me why attending to these entries is so helpful. Sometimes I question why I continue the project. It could be that creative work of this nature is how I prefer using my time over the more techincal — and often soul-crushing — things I do on a “professional” basis, whatever that means.
Like an empty page, the open ocean contains a certain freedom. Today I turned my back to it in protest of the responsibility that privilege provides. Sometimes I need an anchor.
This is usually an internal conversation about habit. I already know my preferences and how freelance creativity without deadlines differs from other people’s structure, so my self-talk always ends the same way: why do I have this job if it isn’t always fulfilling, and how can I bend the rules and my behaviors to make it so?
Often my perception of performance is an obstacle. Why? Isn’t there art in weaving one’s way through the grey areas?