
The media file [Christian] is by CallahanFreet.

Christian Freet

In the process of letting go you will lose many things from the past, but you will find yourself.

ā€” Deepak Chopra

Education comes from the past,
which informs who I am now.
But who’s knowledge is handed down
and do I really want it?

I only choose it recently,
but autonomy is preferred.
Constraints are prison.
Until I know my beliefs,
or end them,
I will be caged.

The media file [Reprogram] is by CallahanFreet.

How else can I know what I think unless I remove every input and minimize the thoughts in my head. But how do I accomplish this and live with others? The balance is delicate, but I surround myself and celebrate with those who understand.

Why follow the rules
that shape daily life?
They are often inconsistent
with my goals or values.
From where did they come?
I must resist or suffer more.

Outside terms prevail
when I misunderstand,
or ignore them,
or agree.

In the end,
memory fosters motive;
I can only choose the source
and isolate myself ā€”
as much as possible.