Happiness exists, when you don't know a thing
There is a lot of my personal philosophy embedded in the work I post for this project. That’s because I try to extend my thinking through review of my daily writing, and exploration of the themes that come from it; they often serve as the inspiration for poetry and the images I make. I don’t claim to be the best visual artist, so perhaps the background thinking that goes into these things isn’t always apparent and my thoughts end with the creation of these entries. And I’m okay with that; I don’t make these for anyone but me, anyway.
All that being said, I often get bored of making things with reason. Does creativity really need any depth? Why isn’t it enough to find interest in a simple presentation? I think about that a lot after being withdrawn from outside news for over a year, and losing any sense of value for information.
My apathy grows with my appreciation for a story told only by the medium in front me. Sometimes I just don’t want to think. Why should I have to?