
The media file [Christian] is by CallahanFreet.

Christian Freet

A child’s life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark

— Appropriate yet possibly fake Chinese proverb

We all start as an empty vessel and morph into our observations, so it is inevitable that he would be any different from us. I guess when I told her years ago how “I’m just waiting for him to grow up so we can talk about adult things,” in a way I was only expressing interest in my own changes.

All circumstances are different no matter how much we download on our kids, so there was some true honesty in my statement. I’m always curious to hear his take on life, how his thoughts change what he sees, in what combination the people in his life have influenced who he is.

But let’s face it, we are selfish: I’m really just waiting to see how much better he is than the me that I can remember.

The media file [Maturing] is by CallahanFreet.

It was probably three years ago when we realized how much social rules and law hold back our kids, so we have been waiting for the day when we can unleash him. That will be a bittersweet occasion.